Thursday, December 3, 2009

Multicultural Gingerbread People Sweaters

As I was putting the finishing touches on my favorite Christmas sweaters, I noticed that I was calling them multi-cultural gingerbread cookies as opposed to people of color. You may recall from my previous post that my dad disliked that phrase.

The cookies, like people, are not really different colors. The are shades or hues of the same color.
Wouldn't "People of Shades" sound cool? Picture Samuel L. Jackson or Will Smith in Men in Black.

 Ultimately, Luke Visconti has a good point when he writes "unless the goal is to endlessly argue semantics, it's more useful to use a common phrase to describe people who are commonly thought of as not being white by the white majority in this country."Read More

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1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Shady people!!!

I love your blog, Aly.

Imagino que hablas español. Yo conozco bien a tu papi- mi compinche del Café de Escritores.

Me gustaría charlar contigo. Si quieras, favor de notarlo en tu blog y te doy mi email o sea mi nombre de Facebook.
